Wandering Wizard LLC

Live Action Role Play (LARP) can feel overwhelming. The Wandering Wizard Trading Company was created to help new and veteran players alike find all the resources they need to reduce stress and jump right into game. At our first LARP event (Twin Mask in southern California), it became clear to us that there was a need for a marketplace where general goods and costume finishing-touches could be available for purchase without ever leaving the game. It became equally clear to us that we wanted to be the ones to help our new friends meet those needs, so we set to work for the next event. We gathered together our spare fabrics and decor to decorate a pop-up canopy tent, sorted through extra costume pieces accumulated through ten years of volunteering at Renaissance Faires, and began crafting a handful of goods which would come to form some of our earliest sales. We painted a sign, proclaiming ourselves the "Wandering Wizard Trading Company" after our LARP characters, Wander the spider half-fae and Gideon the scholarly wizard, and we hit the road for our first event. The welcome and support we received was more than we could have hoped for, and we have since grown. We strive every event to provide more solutions to make the gameplay experience better for everyone involved. We are a young company, but we hope to continue provisioning all kinds of events for years to come!

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