Somali Bantu Association of America Instructor for REBIRTH Doula Trainer Program San Diego, CA · Part time Company website

The Somali Bantu Association of America is accepting applicants for an Instructor for our 2024-2025 REBIRTH Doula Trainer Program. Anyone interested in the program is required to submit an application using the link on this page.


The Somali Bantu Association of America is accepting applicants for an Instructor for our 2024-2025 REBIRTH Doula Trainer Program. Anyone interested in the program is required to submit an application using the link on this page.


Minimum Doula Coach, Instructor or Trainer Candidate Qualifications:


1.   Proof of continuous Doula Training for six (6) consecutive years.


2.   Certified doula in good standing for a minimum of two (2)

consecutive recertification periods (i.e., six (6) or more consecutive years).


3.   Minimum number of births/families served:


Birth Doulas: Minimum of 100 birth attended as birth doula, not as a nurse or midwife. Reasonable documentation will be requested.


Postpartum Doulas: Minimum of 50 families served as a postpartum doula (not as a sleep consultant or newborn care specialist). Reasonable documentation will be requested.


4.   Proof of formal education, training or experience in the following areas:


        a. course/curriculum creation 

        b. adult education/learning

        c. community leadership

   d. The education committee will review the submission for how well the skills           translate to being a doula trainer.


5.   Proof of experience in teaching perinatal adult education.


a. Birth Doulas: 120 hours of teaching childbirth education classes. The          Education Committee is looking for repetition, over time, which has led to expertise. For example: 20-40 hours of teaching within a year’s time over two to four years. A class outline should be submitted.


b. Postpartum Doulas: 120 hours of teaching childbirth education, newborn care, or 4th Trimester classes or the equivalent to community members. The SBAOA is looking for repetition, over time, which has led to expertise. For example: 20-40 hours of teaching within a year’s time over two to four years. A class outline should be submitted.


6.   Proof of volunteer experience.


7.   Successful Interview.


The SBAOA reserves the right to select for its program those applicants who, in its judgment, best represent the organization’s Mission, Vision and Statement of Values. The Mission of SBAOA is to educate, serve, and organize cultural and life-skill training programs to promote self-sufficiency among immigrant and refugee families. The Somali Bantu Association of America is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Individuals who are invited to apply for the program must uphold and abide by SBAOA’s REBIRTH Doula Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and must meet or exceed all other requirements.


Acceptance to the position does NOT guarantee approval of the applicant’s curriculum or as an approved community-based doula, birth doula coach, trainer or instructor.

Compensation is negotiable dependent upon experience.



Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.