Society for Research in Child Development

Although the goals of the Society have remained constant over the years since its inception, the landscape of developmental science has changed dramatically in recent decades, as has the size and diversity of SRCD’s membership, the attendance at our Biennial Meeting, and the scope and impact of the research published in our journals. As the field has grown, the landscape of developmental science has changed dramatically in recent decades, as has the size and scope of SRCD’s membership. SRCD now has over 5500 members hailing from over 60 countries. SRCD members also come from a diverse array of disciplines including Psychology, Anthropology, Education, Human Development, Neuroscience, Sociology, Economics, Linguistics, Social Work, Communications and more. Our members’ research spans ages, topics, approaches, and levels of analysis. Today, SRCD’s governance and leadership have committed to re-invigorating the Society’s mission in a manner that reflects the needs, interests, and goals of contemporary developmental scholars.

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